John Frieda®
Video Hair Tips & Product Advisor
The premium hair care brand John Frieda asked us to strengthen their salon expertise within the audience and to show that they care about the hair of every single women.

The approach
Most customers know what they can do with their hair, but are seeking quick fixes for everyday problems. So instead of producing another 20 online tutorials – like the competitors do – we created short, inspiring videos that feel more like music videos than tutorials for everyday life hair issues.

4 Haar No-Go’s – Hair Tip #1
Auch bei der Haarpflege kann man einiges falsch machen. Damit wir gemeinsam mit euch euren perfekten Haarstyle kreieren können, zeigen wir euch vier Haar No-Gos!

Taking it further
Furthermore we stepped into dialogue by developing a visual full-responsive product advisor to let women find the perfect product for their dream hair.

Once the user visited the product advisor,
A great tool for even greater hair